Sister Tabitha Negron

I am understanding the importance of the stature of a perfect man, how I must grow and learn, and that I will still make mistakes along the way. My soul is sealed and Satan can’t touch that. I often felt that I wasn’t enough, did not have enough faith, that I was doing something wrong. I was taught that I had it all at the receiving of the Holy Spirit or I did not have the Holy Spirit. So why was I still making mistakes? Where was my healing? Why was it so hard to walk this road as a Christian? Brother Samuel broke down all these why’s and hows. I am now understanding this race we run and must train for. What better coaches could God give than a prophet and a five-fold ministry? 

I am seeing more of the grace of Jesus Christ than the Law. I never deserved any of it, but I have faith that God will give it and fulfill every Word He spoke in love for me. I love how the puzzle pieces are connecting more and more. We got “the cow out of the tree!” Faith (New Birth) is the foundation from which we must grow. God is just revealing Himself more and more each day that we dig in and stay with His Word.

I appreciate the generosity, love, and selflessness that Brother Samuel has toward his congregation. He “smells like his sheep” and I appreciate a pastor who really digs in for his flock. The love we were shown from the first day we met will always stay with me. I felt immediately like family. I am so glad to be a part of the family of God and am thankful to be a part of Brother Samuel’s flock. May God bless Brother Samuel and Sister Peggy as they continue this race we are all running together.