Sister Susan Fawbush

The event that brought me to repentance was a divorce and all the reality that goes with it. I reflected on my past and realized that during my marriage I turned away from God. I no longer talked to Him and asked for His guidance as I always did, even though I did not go to church or read my Bible. Several other things happened that brought me to my knees, and I talked to God again, asking for His guidance. I asked Him to bring a good Christian man into my life that could be my head, someone that I could trust and respect. I do believe He brought my husband, Don Fawbush, into my life. Meeting Don was God’s way of bringing me to Spoken Word Church and Brother Dale’s ministry. I felt a pull to find a church where I could learn about the true Word of God. Through Don I also met Pops (Tom Fawbush). Of course the very first time I met him, he talked about the Lord, and Brother Branham’s message, and, of course, Brother Samuel Dale.

Now I have to say this. I was very confused about this William Branham guy that Pops and Don spoke of. Just who was he, and why was he preached about so much? Both Pops and Don talked about marriage and divorce, so I thought that it was something I needed to investigate if I was going to go to Spoken Word Church. On Sundays, while Don went to church, I read my Bible and a booklet Don had on Marriage and Divorce. Boy was that an eye opener and a major call to repentance! I knew that I must repent for my sins and the fact I had been married and divorced two times. I needed to ask God’s forgiveness for my past, and for permission to enter His house. I had not gone to any church since I was a child. I felt that Spoken Word Church was a special place and I wanted God’s grace to enter it.

I felt the love of God and His grace the first time I entered the church. Brother Dale welcomed me and made me feel that this truly was the place for me to learn about God’s Word and His grace. So now, God not only sent me my husband as my head, but also sent me to Brother Dale as head of Spoken Word Church. He would teach me the true Word of God, and teach me about Brother Branham, who he was, and that his teachings were straight out of the Bible. I saw that Brother Dale was a true man of God who not only believed what he was teaching me, but also lived by God’s Word.

Because of his teachings I now know that through God all things are possible. I know more about how to pray, forgiveness, what marriage is, and what God expects me to do and be as a Christian human being. I learned what God meant when He made a woman to be a man’s helper. I learned that God is a Man and a Father and the Holy Ghost. I learned there is only one God, and His Name is Lord Jesus Christ. I learned that without the Lord Jesus Christ I am a mere empty vessel. I am, by far, not what I need or want to be; but I am far better than I was the first time I walked into Spoken Word Church at Lula, Georgia, and heard Brother Dale speak the first time.

I could go on and on, but I will stop now and say, “Thank You, Lord Jesus, for bringing me to Spoken Word Church and to Brother Dale’s ministry. I have been blessed beyond measure. Mere words can never truly express what this has meant to me. Thank you, Brother Sam, for your stand on God’s Word and for what a true Christian looks like. Thank you for showing me what a pastor is, and for the example you have been as a husband, a father, and headship.