Brother Wade Dale

This testimony is unique. I am blessed to have lived under Brother Dale’s influence all my life. Most will have testimonies that cover a certain part of their lives, but mine starts from a young age. All of my friends at that time had fathers that smoked, drank, cursed, and other things, but not my father. I was proud of the way that he never treated my friends differently, but all the same way. His life was evenly matched between being a Christian pastor and a human being. That is what I wanted to be, not so much in Word revelation, but in a walk that was fair to everyone. Of course, the revelation of the Word is important, and Brother Dale brought that, too.

There is not one defining moment that comes to mind, but a treasure chest full of memories that leads to my testimony. Many wonderful hours of discussion about the Word of God that helps me to become a better Christian and minister is the greatest testimony I can have about Brother Dale, my dad, and father in the Gospel. God is good.