Sister Christine Urrego

Luis and I, with our girls, began attending Spoken Word Church in August 2014. It was shortly after we started that Brother Dale taught about the triune being: the body, spirit, and soul.This series really made me understand that this is what makes us human, and where death plays into our humanity. The Lord brought me under Brother Dale’s ministry at the perfect time because He was preparing me for what was about to happen in my life. Within that same year, my mom was diagnosed with stage 2 bladder cancer. Less than two years later, in /september 2016, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. 

By October 2016, both my parents were dying, my mom being a lot closer to the other side at this point. I would be speaking to my mom, and looking at her body, but she was looking behind me, saying that she is looking at her own mom and sisters who look young, with long black hair, and that they, with my brother, are waiting for her. In November 2016 my mom stepped out of her shell (her body) and stepped into the real her. In May 2018, my dad called out my mom’s name while staring into the distance. With a smile on his face he left his body behind. I whispered into my dad’s ear, “the next time you see Ina (Mother) she will be young.”

What Brother Dale taught about the body, spirit, and soul was literally laid out before my eyes during this difficult time. I truly believe the Lord prepared me for this season in my life, and that He was with me through every minute of it. Understanding what was going on is a comfort that the Lord knew I needed to be able to continue on in this life parentless. Thank you, Brother Dale, for your ministry. We love you!