Sister Mary Kimani

I came to America when I was 19 years old. My dad had won a green card, and back then, if one of your parents won a green card, the spouse and all their children under the age of 21 were allowed to come also. My older sister, Annah Murunga, helped us to get a house, so we came. I grew up in a home that believed in Brother Branham’s teachings. My  siblings and I went to church with our parents because we had no choice. Once we landed here, I started making my own money and did whatever I wanted. I did not go to a believers’ church for years, but somehow I still believed Brother Branham had the truth. It was engraved in me. 

I decided to join the military. When Obama was ending the war in Iraq and bringing the troops home, I was deployed to Iraq. We had to drive from Iraq to Kuwait to pick them up. It took ten days because some of the military vehicles could only go about 15 miles per hour. During those ten days we were blown up by so many IEDs that I constantly carried, cleaned, and bagged bodies, so many that I lost count. Coming to Spoken Word Church has helped me to deal with PTSD and anxiety. It helps me to get away from continually recurring memories and thoughts. It has been a struggle.

On February 14, 2022 I had a car wreck that left me with a fractured right hip, a few broken bones on my left wrist, and a few broken ribs on my left side. I was told that I was clinically dead for 45 minutes after the crash. God woke me up and gave me a second chance. Now I am in church and I find it helps me a lot with my day to day living. I keep coming back no matter how hard it gets sometimes with my injuries.