Notes used in the Message


11-0508pm - Adoption Pt.2 (3 stages) - Samuel Dale



»     3     †      ¶  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:



»     4     †     According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:



»     5     †     Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,



»     6     †     To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.


»     8     †     And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.


«  E-23       †        God also here was doing what we call in the Bible, the placing of a son. Now, in the Old Testament when a child was born (a son in a home), then that son was a son as soon as he was borned, of course. He was the son of the father. But yet before he fell heir to the kingdom of his father, or the possession, the first that son had to be raised and tried. He had to find out whether this son was a true son or was he just simply a roustabout. And this son would never be heir if he wasn't qualified to take his father's place. But if he was qualified and took the father's place, then all that the father had was given to his son.

There's where I think that many of us Pentecostal people has made a mistake. We think as soon as we become sons and daughters of God, that settles it. We just come into a place of trying. The Methodists said as soon as they shouted, that settled it. The Lutherans believed by faith on justification and thought it settled it. No matter what kind of a position God put you in, you're still growing--going on towards perfection. And we'll never reach it until Jesus comes.


«  E-49       †        Here God was standing there. Now, He was doing exactly what He asked them to do. Now, in a father's great heritage where he had, he had many hired men working for him. Now, this is a little teaching here. I hope it don't hurt, but I just want to make a point, get faith started right, so when we get started we'll be on the right foot. Notice.

Now, when a baby son was born into this family on--of this father, he was born a son. But yet, he had no inheritance just as a son. Now, there's where I think that we Full Gospel people let down a little bit on our doctrine. See, we take a person, say, "Well, now he's filled with the Holy Ghost. He speaks with tongues. That's it." No, you just only began. You've just been borned into the family. That's all. That's the reason today that we--our churches is not progressing the way they should be.



«  E-19       †        Back in the Old Testament a father owned a great portion of ground. On this he had little buildings. And in there he had servants. And when a son was born into his family, this son, as soon as he was born, was a son, because he was born a son. Now, this may be a little strange, but I trust that you'll take it and look at it first.

When the Pentecostal church and the Full Gospel people received the Holy Spirit, they said, "This is it. We're borned into the Kingdom; it's all settled." That was an error. When the son was born into the family, that's true he was a son at his birth. But this father, he was a busy man; he had much to do. So he looked out through all the country, and he got the best tutor he could find, a man to educate his son, and to raise up his son, and to make him the right kind of a boy.



«  E-25       †        Paul said, "Though a angel (let alone a bishop, archbishops, or a pope, or whatever it might be.)... Though an Angel from heaven preach any other word to you than this that I've laid and preached, let him be unto you accursed." Galatians 1:8. You see it? So the Holy Spirit is teaching the believer, the Word. And the believer is striving and living on the Word.

Now, the...?... out from under the shadows. He would go up, and he'd say, "Now, I tell you; this boy..." No matter how good a boy he was, how bad he was, he was still a son, because he was born a son. But if he brought word that he wasn't a very good child, he was dilatory, he wasn't mindful of the father's business, that child never come into position to where he should be.

But if the boy was a good boy and was really up about his father's business, then immediately the--the tutor said to the father, "Oh, what a fine boy. He's a lovely chap. And he's worthy. He's watching every move, for the indebtiment of your affairs."



«  E-36       †        Now, Christian people who read the Bible, when that child become a certain age, and if he was a--if he was a bad boy... Now, he never could be denied being a son. No, sir, 'cause he was born. I'm just a little enough Calvinist to believe that, that when a man is born a son of God, he's a son of God. That's right. And God wouldn't save you here, knowing He was going to lose you down...

You might be worked up and think you are saved here. That might be true. But let me tell you something. When you're really saved, God don't save you here and know He's going to lose you there. If He did, He's not the infinite God. He's defeating His own purpose. He can't do that. If you're saved, you're saved. If you're not, you're not. And if you're saved, you live like you're saved. I don't act--quit drinking, quit smoking, quit gambling, because I know it's wrong; there's something in me... God loves me so much, and I love God till I wouldn't do it anyhow. Not a law, but a love. It isn't law that saves us; it's love that saves us. God so loved the world. It isn't evidences and signs that saved us, it's love that saved us. Certainly.



«  E-45       †        Oh, my. I feel religious right now. I really do. Oh, I just love it. It's the Word, it's real good. It bathes your soul. Notice, the 5th verse:

Having predestinated us unto the adoption of sons by Christ Jesus.

There's a great story here of the adoption or placing. Now, my Pentecostal brethren, you may disagree with this, but I want you to listen real close now these next ten, fifteen minutes.

I want to ask you something, and you Bible scholars. In the Old Testament there was a law of adopting or placing a son. You know that, how the Book of Galatians, and so forth, how the tutor raised the child.

What happened, a father had born into his house a child, a boy, and he was a son when he was born. But he was given a tutor. And this tutor raised the child and brought word to the father, all the time, how the child was progressing. And after the child become a certain age, if he had been a worthy child, if he had absolutely been all right... if he had not, then there was certain things that had to take place. And if he was unworthy, yet he was a son, he wasn't given any inheritance of his father.

But if he was a worthy child, and had been found worthy, he was taken out into a public place. And this father... Get it. Here it is; don't miss it. This father of the child... He was already born in the family (Pentecost exactly, others beside), already born into the family as a son.



«  E-14       †        Now, if you will pardon the expression... And now, what you believe of this, you take. And what you don't believe, you just lay aside as I do when I'm eating cherry pie. If I run into a seed, I don't throw the pie away, I just throw the seed away and keep on eating pie. You do likewise.

Now, what God was fixing to show here on Mount Transfiguration, it was--He was fixing to do just like He had them do in the Old Testament: placing of a son.

Now, when a son was born into the family, he was a son at birth. And there's where you Pentecostal people jumped the fence. You thought that when you were born again that settled it. That only was the beginning. That's right. You are a son, surely, when you're born. But when this son was born, he wasn't heir of all things yet. He had to go through the testings and trials to find out if he was the right type of son to fall heir to all things. And listen, God's Word said, that every son that cometh to God must first be tried and chastened, child-trained, before he can be adopted into the family.


«  E-19       †        He used to go up on the river with an old fisherman, that they fish in the--make a--commercial fishing. And he went up to run the nets, up near the Six Mile Island above Louisville. And there come up a rain, and on the road back, they had to get into the bushes to keep from being washed in with the rain and the storm. After the storm was over, the sun came out, the old fisherman bailed out his boat, put the little boy in the stern, and pushed out from the bank and started down the river.

And as he was clipping the oars against the waves, as only a boatman knows the rhythm, the sun was going down in the west. And across the east which he was faced pulling his boat, there came a rainbow. And the little fellow setting quiet for awhile, noticed the old fisherman breathing, and catching his breath, and snubbing. And after a bit he noticed great, glistering white tears rolling down his gray beard, dropping on his bosom.

And the little fellow become emotional, excited. And he rushed from the--from the stern of the boat, up to the middle and said... Fell down at his knees, and said, "Sir, I want to ask of you a question." Said, "My mother, or Sunday school teacher, or neither my pastor can answer me." He said, "I noticed you looking at the rainbow, and as I understand from the Scriptures, that God gave it as a sign. And if God is so great, why can't we see Him?"

And the old man, kindy upset because of the little lad's enthusiasm, pulled his oars into his lap, took the little boy in his arms and looked him in the face, and brushed back his hair and gazed him in the eyes. And he said, "Sonny, all I've seen for the past forty years has been God."

There was so much in the old fisherman. The only way to see God is get Him on the inside of you, so He can use your eyes. You'll see Him. But if you're trying to see Him on an intellectual conception of His Word, or some emotional work up, it'll never count anything; He's got to be in you.



«  E-20       †        Then you'll cry at the sunsets and the sunrise. You'll watch the majesty of fall of the year coming. Before even frost or a cool breeze is ever hit the earth, the sap will leave the trees and go down in the roots, hide. Because if it stays up there, the winter will kill the tree.

Then I ask this question, "What intelligence runs that sap out of the tree, down into the roots to hide for the winter?" Oh, the infidel has no grounds. But when He comes in, you'll notice Him in everything.

I think the church today... And when I say church, I don't mean just any denomination; I mean all the church together. There's only one Church. I've been with the Branham family fifty years, and they never did ask me to join their family. Why? I was borned a Branham; I was born into the family.

That's the reason that we are... How we get into the church, we are borned into the Church by one Spirit. We're brought into the fellowship of the Son of God, and we're made partakers of His grace and His glory, and within us is Eternal Life.



«  E-48       †        You say, "Well, a Christian means a Campbellite." No, that's--that's... They just call them Christian, but that don't mean Christian. I know a many people that I'd think belong to what was called the Christian Church that wasn't Christians. And the Christian ministers will tell you the same thing of the Christian Church, that they got many members that not Christian.

But Christian is not a church that you belong to; it's an experience that you have had of being born into the family of God.




«  E-19       †        Back in the Old Testament a father owned a great portion of ground. On this he had little buildings. And in there he had servants. And when a son was born into his family, this son, as soon as he was born, was a son, because he was born a son. Now, this may be a little strange, but I trust that you'll take it and look at it first.

When the Pentecostal church and the Full Gospel people received the Holy Spirit, they said, "This is it. We're borned into the Kingdom; it's all settled." That was an error. When the son was born into the family, that's true he was a son at his birth. But this father, he was a busy man; he had much to do. So he looked out through all the country, and he got the best tutor he could find, a man to educate his son, and to raise up his son, and to make him the right kind of a boy.



«  E-20       †        And how typical that is of our heavenly Father. When His children is born into the Kingdom, they're not given a bishop, neither are they given any earthly person, but God the Father has given the best tutor the Church could have, the Holy Spirit, as a raiser of the Church. "When He comes He will teach you and guide you into all truth," the Holy Spirit.

And now, when this duty of this teacher of raising the son, was to bring word to the father how he progressed. And his conduct determined his inheritance. If he was a good son, he would inherit all the father had. If he wasn't a good son, then he got nothing; he wasn't worthy, yet he was a son.

And just because you have received the Holy Spirit; that doesn't mean that everything's just going to be poured into your hands. That's the reason if the Church would get quiet just a little bit and quit trying to say, "I'm Assembly. I'm a Oneness. I'm a Trinitarian. I'm--I'm this, I'm that, and the other." You're Christ's, and the purchase of His Blood. Got no right to break fellowships with people like that, unless they're living the wrong life, draw any fences or barriers. We're all one in Christ Jesus. For by one Spirit we're all baptized into one body, the body of the believers.




«  E-22       †        But in this day when a son was borned into a home, then he was a son because he was born. Now, many of the Pentecostals, and the Baptists, and Presbyterians, or Nazarenes, they take that as sufficient; that settles it. But it's wrong according to the Word.

Now, this son being born, he was given a tutor. Paul speaks of it in Galatians, and so forth of how a tutor was a raiser or a teacher that was to teach the son. And the father, being his son, he got the very best tutor, teacher that he could find. A man that would raise the child, not according to the things of common ethics of teaching. But to be an obedient child, somebody that the father had confidence in.




«  E-24       †        And now, in the Bible time that's the way it was too. A man owned a great portion of land, and in this land he had many hired servants. And they were--they were scattered abroad, and they were... Then when this man, being a business man, running his farm or his place, his stock, his business... When a boy was born, that boy was his son by birth. But yet, that son did not fall heir to everything until he become of age and the father tested his character.

Now, in the Old Testament when this baby boy was born, the father hired a tutor, or a teacher, a raiser. And to get this raiser, tutor... Many of you know the Galatian letter, Paul writing like, to us. In this picking out this tutor, the father picked out the best man that he could find for the job, because he was certainly interested in his child. And any father's that way that's a real father. That's just the love of a parent to a child.

And this father went around and found the very best tutor that could raise his son, and could bring up his son, educate his son, and teach his son to follow in his father's footsteps. And this tutor was to bring messages to the father how the child was progressing.



«  E-35       †        And this boy, when he was born, he was a son. But then, the father would go out and find the best tutor, or raiser that he could find for this child, to educate it. He wanted his son to be brought up in the very best of school that could be. And then this tutor brought the father word all the time how his son was progressing.

Notice, how typical that is of God. When we were borned into the household of God, God searched the heavens to find the best Teacher He could find for His Church. That wasn't the bishop or an archbishop. That was the Holy Ghost. That's the Teacher and the Tutor to the Church that's borned again in the body of Christ.




«  159       †          Now, if a man, back in the old age, thought of his son, he wanted him to be a right kind of a son, he got the best tutor he could find, the best teacher, 'cause he wanted his son to come up to be like his daddy. See? So he got the right tutor.

160    Now, if a man on earth would think of the best tutor, how about God, our Father? Now, He never got bishops, and cardinals, and priests. He got the Holy Ghost to be our Tutor. And the Holy Spirit is our Teacher. And He--He's in the Church, and He takes message to the Father.

161    And then what if the father of the tutor come up and said, "Well, Father..." Now, he ain't going to get some kind of tutor that wants a straw in his hat, you know, a feather, we call it. Say, "Oh, if I tell the father something about... That little boy is a renegade, anyhow, but if I--if I tell the father, the father might give me a raise." That ain't the right kind of a tutor. A right kind of a tutor is honest, tell the truth.